Tuesday, August 28, 2012

16 Weeks.

 (These pictures are taken same day each week.. since my due date changed they are actually on the last day of my pregnancy week. 16W 6D)

We bought an awesome dresser! We got it from Babies R Us and it's pure wood (way too heavy to get up the stairs.. my hubby will need some help!) very dark in color and has 6 long drawers. It's legs are carved out and remind me of something old fashioned... something that would be found in  my mothers house when she was a child. I just love it to pieces! It's also very large on top so I will just be buying a changing table pad & placing it on there. There is no reason I need to buy a separate changing table when I could be spending that money on diapers or other necessities. This will work just fine. 

We had also bought a crib.. but they gave us the display one and it was all scratched up, I was so disappointed and with my emotional, hormonal self, I started to cry. It also had a board on the bottom that was split all the way through... I was so excited to have a crib and dresser so to see that just devastated me in the moment. I got over it though, and my hubby returned it this morning. We will continue the hunt next week! I am very excited to get all the big things put together in our sweet pea's room. I want to be done with the heavy stuff and only worry about minor details the farthing along I get. I can't believe I only have 23 more weeks to go! (I am 17 weeks today.. like I mentioned under my picture)

Once we get our crib & bedding I will definitely be posting pictures to share my excitement & joy!

Food Cravings: Still milk & cheese along with orange & cranberry juice. I also have loved sour gummy worms this past week. They're just delicious right now.

Food aversions: My hubby ALWAYS wants to cook steak or hamburgers and I just can not stand those things right now. Ew ew ew.

Weight Gain: 5lbs as far as I know. We will see for sure at my next doctors appointment on the 4th of September.

Symptoms: I have hot flashes all of the time and they drive me nuts. Also, I had quite a few spats of heartburn this past week. Ouch.

Movement: Light flutters in the morning & when I lay down on my tummy (kind of, I lay on my side, turned towards my tummy snuggled up to a body pillow).

Memory Of The Week: Making our first big buy. : )

Stretch Marks: No.

Showing: I feel bigger every day.

Gender Prediction: I feel like we are having a girl. I will be happy with a boy too, though.

Maternity Cloths: My friend sent me a few of her maternity items from when she was pregnant and in there was a maternity belly band! I love it so much, it's soooo comfy and a lot better than my silly hair tie thing.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

15 Weeks!

As my waistline expands, so does my heart! I swear I love this child more and more every single day. I can not wait to see just how much I love our little sweet pea once it is here. I am the happiest that I have ever been in my entire life.. I'm sure I'll say this a million times in the next 24 weeks & years that follow, but it's truly how I feel.

Food Cravings: MILK and cheese! I love string cheese, baby bell mini's and cubes. I take them with me to work to snack on throughout the day since I don't get an actual break to sit down & rest/eat something. I hide them in the cooler. Shhh! :p I also take my large water bottle with me filled with skim or chocolate milk every morning to work, drink that on my way & then rinse it out once I get there & fill it with just ice so as it melts all day I have freezing cold water. That's the only way I can drink it! It's gotta be freeeeeezing cold!

Food aversions: Meat. Even chicken this past week.

Weight Gain: I weighed myself this morning & was up 3 lbs from what I was at my last dr. appointment so that brings me to 5lbs gained so far. Not too bad I guess..

Symptoms: Hot. I am hot all of the time and my nose is always so stuffy!

Movement: Still just light flutters every now and then but nothing big yet. I can not wait for that day!

Memory Of The Week: Going baby shopping yesterday. I bought our first boxes of diapers! They've got winnie the pooh all over them & came in a keepsake winnie the pooh box! So cute. And may I add how EXPENSIVE they are! I'm gonna start printing coupons from online for sure!

Stretch Marks: Not yet.. but I feel like I'm popping so quick I might get some in the next month or so. I'm worried! Lotion is my best friend right now.

Showing: Oh yeah. I feel like I look more pregnant than fat now. Definitely showing a lot more than I was a few weeks ago.

Gender Prediction: I feel like we are having a girl. I will be happy with a boy too, though.

Maternity Cloths: I have a few shirts but they are too big for me right now. I need to buy some pants or leggings or SOMETHING 'cause this whole hairtie thing kinda hurts when I sit down now.. and my yoga pants are a little too tight around my waist, 'cause when I sit down they roll down! Not a great feeling!


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

14 Weeks!

It's official, I have a bump! At my ultrasound last week (first trimester scan) they let me know that baby was measuring a little bigger than where they thought I was at, changing my due date by 6 days making it February 5th! I will continue to take my pictures on the same day every week (Monday) even though my weeks switch over on Tuesdays, making me 15 weeks today!

Food Cravings: Peppermint hot chocolate from Starbucks and french toast. Delicious.

Food aversions: I'm not that big on meat lately. Chicken is okay every now and again, but I'm perfectly fine without any at all. Also, ONIONS. I can not do onions. The smell, the texture, the taste. No thank you! Anything squishy also gags me. I'm such a texture person now when it comes to food. I like crisp, crunchy or firm.

Weight Gain: At my last visit I had gained 2lbs. For a total of..... 2lbs gained so far.

Symptoms: Hot. I am hot all of the time. My poor hubby is always freezing 'cause I run the A/C 24/7. At least it's starting to cool off outside & we are out of those dreaded 100's. It's actually been a bit breezy out lately. I love it. I'm still always hot though. It's the worst at night.

Movement: I've officially felt the 'FLUTTERS'. I first thought that I felt them last week, but it was so faint that I wasn't even sure if it was baby... or gas.. or my imagination. But then I felt them again quite a few times yesterday and I just knew that it was my lovely baby moving around in there. It's the most amazing feeling ever and I can not wait for them to get stronger. <3

Memory Of The Week: Finding out that I am a little further along than I originally thought and getting to see my baby's little anatomy at the ultrasound last Thursday. <3 We even got a picture where it looks like baby is SMILING. Ahhh, how great that was.

Stretch Marks: Nope! Not yet at least. I do have those icky spider veins on my torso & boobies though. 

Showing: I've got a little 'bump' now. : ) I still may not look pregnant walking around in street cloths outside, but I definitely see it in the mirror!

Gender Prediction: I really feel like I am having a girl. I will be happy no matter what my baby turns out to be, but all of the dreams I have had and when I picture us at family get together's, the day I go into labor, future holidays.. I see a little baby girl. I guess we will just have to wait and see!

Maternity Cloths: I found a few really cute shirts at Savers a few weeks ago, but they are for when my bump really grows. Right now I am rocking the hair-tie trick on my jeans & work pants and wearing yoga pants any other time. I can't wait till fall when I can rock the layered look. That's when I am most comfy.

Do you see that smile, or am I just a crazy mommy?

Baby's hand.

Legs crossed & fat torso. : ) I don't see any 'goods' in there, do you? Hmmm.... We'll see more closely next month at the 20 week anatomy scan!

Hope everyone is having a marvalous week so far! I'm going to relax for the rest of my day off and watch Shark Week with my buddy Phoenix.