''My dearest Graciella, you're two months old! I
can't believe how much you have grown in just a few short weeks. It's
amazing to me. It's also amazing to me how smart you are. You've hit
quite a few milestones & are more alert through the day than ever.
Mama is so proud of you! I love you sweetie, you'll always be my
precious little baby! Your new favorite thing is for me to hold you up
so you can stand and wiggle. You've also
started smiling so much more.. mostly in the mornings after you wake
up. You notice
everything around you and have started showing interest in your
toys/mobiles. You also find your hands to be quite delicious, especially
your right one. You don't like being swaddled anymore, but rather enjoy
just stretching out. You sleep like your mama. I love you baby girl.
Don't grow up too fast baby. Lets enjoy this time together.''
My baby girl is growing wonderfully!
And I feel especially proud since it's because of mama's milk. ;)
We are still exclusively breastfeeding and I plan on doing so until she is ready to wean herself. We are still working on the whole 'taking a bottle' thing for when I go back to work. I've got a whole freezer full of milk ready for when the day comes.. *tear* I feel separation anxiety just thinking about it.
Clothing size: 0-3 though some jammies are getting snug!
Diaper size: 2 but we ran out & figured to use our size 3 that we had rather than buy a box of size 2 and only have you use half. You've got your mama's hips!
Favorites: MAM paci's, Mickeys Club House on Disney Jr., Fisher Price Little Sweetie Swing, morning time - you're all smiles! A clean diaper, getting your hair washed and being held by mama (sorry daddy)
Dislikes: Getting out of the bath, anything that has to go over your head - hence the reason you are usually in jammies that zip or snap rather than onesies and shirts. Lotion time. You hate lotion time. Bottles. Your carseat (well, getting strapped in to be more accurate) and when mama eats broccoli.
Here are her stats from her well baby visit.
Weight 12lbs 12.5oz (birth 6lbs 10oz)
Height 22.50 inches (birth 20.25 inches)
Head 39.8 centimeters (birth 32.5 centimeters)
She got her shots at this appointment, and it just broke my heart. I had been contemplating not getting her vaccinated, but last minute went through with it. I regretted it the minute I saw the pain in her eyes. I'm still not sure it was the best choice for us. I'm so torn on the subject! Something I read a while back just keeps running through my thoughts 'In order for the FDA to approve a drug as unsafe, they must have at some early point approved it as safe.'
On a lighter note, we officially have LAUGHTER! The very first time she gave me a real laugh was on Monday (2 days after turning 2 months old). I was sitting her in front of our bedroom dressers mirror (holding her of course) and making faces & noises at her via reflection. She loved it and let out the cutest most sweet belly laugh I'd ever heard! My eyes welled up and I couldn't help but let out a few tears of joy! I was so excited to finally hear that wonderful noise. So of course I grabbed my phone and hit record.. or at least I THOUGHT I hit record. 10 minutes later I try to view this horribly adorable video I just made... and NOTHING was there. My tears of joy turned to tears of sorrow. Wouldn't you know it, I couldn't get her to laugh again once the phone really was on record. That's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes. ;)
BUT it all gets better! Later that night when daddy was home to witness it, she let out another laugh! He scrambled to grab a camera in time before she decided she was done being our entertainment, and we got it! We have PROOF of this amazing little girls adorable laugh at just 8.5 weeks old! I'm in love.
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