Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Graciella's 3 month update!

''My dearest, Graciella! You're three months old today! THREE MONTHS! I can't believe it. Some say the third month mark is like graduating from a '4th trimester' and I believe it. You've grown and learned so much and are now comfortable outside of your mama's tummy and becoming such a curious and playful little girl. With every day that goes by, you become so much fun! I love making you giggle, smile and now LAUGH. Yes, you give out great big belly laughs and it just makes me so happy to see you so happy. You can grab things with both hands and shove them in your mouth now, which is your new favorite thing in the world. Especially your crinkly soft books and taggies blankie. You love playing in the mirror with mommy, making funny faces & noises. That's when you laugh the most. You love being snuggled for naps but stretch out on your own at night in your bassinet. You're now sleeping through the night and wake up so happy and refreshed! You're growing so fast, my precious baby. I love you with all of my heart. You light up my life!''

My baby girl is three months old! Actually, she turned 3 months on the 6th of May but I have been so busy, especially being back at work and trying to keep up with house work, going to church and Mothers day + Rogelio's birthday just this past couple of days! I need a nap just thinking about it. ;p

Since she is three months, this month, we did not have a baby well visit for her. Her pediatrician asks to see baby's at 2 weeks, 2 months and then not again till 4 months. So, that being said, I do not have any accurate weights & measurements for you BUT I did try to weigh her on our home scale and came up with 15lbs 8oz! Graciella is still growing, and quite quickly at that! At her 2 month well visit she was only 12lbs 12.5oz.

She has to have grown length wise, because her 0-3 month jammies are too short for her now! *tear* time to move up to 3-6.. I can't believe the pile of clothes that no longer fit her. It's so sad, but I know she's healthy and growing so it's not all that bad. I just miss the itty bitty infant stage, which seems like it was SO LONG AGO. But, I will settle for this new and ever so fun infant stage that she has entered, where she interacts back with you, smiles when you talk to her and laughs when things are funny. Look funny, sound funny, feel funny. Everything is funny to her and I love it. She's also so alert and finds everything to be so fascinating. Her eyes just glow with wonder. I hope this sticks with her forever and she never stops being so curious and wanting to learn & explore.

She's sleeping through the night (from around 9 or 9:30pm till 7 or 7:30am) and on her pack and play co-sleeper, we had to remove the top bassinet that she was sleeping in because she is now too long for it! She now sleeps in the larger part of the pack and play, but still in our room. She's not I'm not ready for her to move to the crib in her own room yet.

She is still taking quite a few naps through the day, though they aren't always the same. Except for her morning & late afternoon nap. Those are almost like clockwork. Her morning nap is around 9am and lasts from about 45 minutes to 1 hour and her afternoon nap is around 4pm and lasts from around 2-3 hours. All other naps in between are shorter (about 30 minutes or so) and unpredictable. She will nap if we go for a ride in the car or after playing with me, on her play mat or in her jumper. She also dozes off after nursing often, still.

She's nursing every 2-3 hours (but we have those days still where she wants to nurse every hour!) and for about 10-15 minutes at a time (eating on only one side at each feeding). While I am at work she will (try) to have  three bottles. But sometimes she will refuse to eat till I get home hours later and over eat making her tummy upset and me sad for making her wait so long to nurse! It's horrible on my emotions but I have to work to make money.. I wish I didn't have to leave her at all though!

Her favorites this month: Mirrors, her play mat, her baby einstine jumparoo (even if her tootsies don't touch the ground yet!) taggies, lots o links, crinkly books and anything her tiny hands can grasp & shove in her mouth. Morning cartoons, movies, and music. Bath time is also still a favorite, but I doubt that will ever change! And last but not least, snuggling with mama. <3

This months dislikes: Her car seat. That got scratched off her dislikes list this month! She is now ever so calm when being placed in her car seat. So thankful for that! I hate hearing her cry. She still dislikes getting lotion on after a bath, getting dressed or anything going over her head. Getting woke up rather than waking up on her own. Being chilly, having it too quiet in the house when she wants to play, sitting still in church and not being able to pick something up because it's too heavy or odd shaped for her tiny hands.

She has gotten so good at grabbing, holding, reaching for and shoving things into her mouth! She's also quite the strong one as she can pull herself up into a seated position if you hold her hands and she will sit like that if she has pillows or a little support behind her. Another thing she likes is for you to hold her hands, and she will pull herself to stand up! I have a feeling she will be an early crawler... being as she's so strong and motivated to move! We will see, though. Every child is different. Who knows!

With each month that passes, her personality shines through more and more! I love being her mama so much and getting to watch her learn and grow every single day! <3

We are still going strong exclusively breastfeeding and I am so proud to have made it past the three month mark! We are still trying to work out kinks with her taking a bottle while I am at work, but we have no problem with her feeding while I am at home to nurse her. She loves her mama baby time, and I have to say I love it so much, too. It truly is the best bonding experiance and I am so happy that I chose to breastfeed, and didn't give up when the going got rough. I know she is getting the best and that's all the motivation I need to continue waking up at 4am to pump so she has milk while I'm away at work, or dealing with engorgement, sore nipples, or breastfeeding in public (I'm so shy and modest, this one is hard for me still!) But I will do my best, to continue to give her the best. I love my baby girl more than anything in the world.

Hope you enjoyed hearing about my baby girls third month of life! And as always, thanks for reading! xoxox

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